Toad Hall kinda started out with a few sports cars housed in a shed behind the Simmons Homestead Inn in Hyannis Port on Cape Cod. Over the past dozen years the number of sheds and cars grew and grew. Finally when there were some three dozen cars, the sheds all got tied together and enclosed. Now there are more than 50 inside and another bunch outside that at least can get driven around. Most are classics from the 50s to the 80s. Most are English, all are red. There are several cars of which less than a dozen are in the States, but the rest simply will bring back happy memories to the older folks. The cars are all nicely restored, and they are all handsome drivers, that is if you can get them out of a now rather crowded garage. The Toad Hall Collection has just been open a year, but everyone who has visited it has had a really great experience. It's now one of the largest collections of Sports Cars in the Country. You just gotta come and check it out.
If you remember back in your childhood, or maybe more recently, you probably read the book or saw the Walt Disney movie THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS by Kenneth Grahame, written back in 1908. About a bunch of animal characters in England in the late 1800s. The leading guy was Toad, Lord of Toad Hall. He was totally fascinated by the then new motorcar. And, all of Toad's cars were red too. This same fascination is carried forward today at the Toad Hall Sports Car Museum at the Simmons Homestead Inn in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, right in the center of Cape Cod.
This collection of classic sports cars is the private collection of Bill Putman, Innkeeper of Sorts at the Simmons Homestead Inn It was just opened up to the public for the first time in 2003. It's open daily from 11 A.M. till 5 P.M. year round. Admission is $8 per adult, big kids from 10 to 16 are $4, and kids under 10 are free if they come with their folks. We will make one exception for bored spouses and only charge them $4, and we have chairs for them while waiting for the car nuts to finish up.
The cars are all registered and run if you can get them out of the garage. Place has gotten a bit crowded over the years as it grew out of control. Oh well. You can get a preview by going up to the top and clicking on the various marques.
You can also go to the directions page and find out how to get here. Toad Hall and the Simmons Homestead Inn are in Hyannis Port, just outside of Hyannis smack in the middle of Cape Cod.
Also feel free to call us at 1-508-778-4934 or e-mail us at Toad Hall Sports Car Museum is a great place to spend some time and really enjoy these classic red little critters.
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